
Introduction Properties Methods Listeners


The Peer object handles, sends and updates any remote publishing users throughout the lifetime of the call.


Name Type Description


The peerId for this user, this is automatically generated for each participant and is used to identify each user.


This is the extraData paramater passed into the Conference constructor, although passed in as 'any' type, it is parsed into a string and available for other peers to access.


Name Description
setVolume(volume: number) Sets the volume with a range of 0-1

setVolume(volume: number)

Sets the volume for the current peer, has to be a valid number from 0-1

peer.setVolume(volume: number)


videoCreated -> {HTMLVideoElement}

When the remote stream of the current participant is published, the videoCreated event is emitted which is a video element that can be pushed to the DOM, similar to the LocalParticipant video element.

peer.on('videoCreated', (video: HTMLVideoElement) => {})

videoPaused -> {}

When the remote video stream of the current participant is paused, the videoPaused event is emitted. Any UI elements pertaining to the state of the media, such as icons can be updated in the callback.

peer.on('videoPaused', () => {})

videoResumed -> {}

When the remote video stream of the current participant is resumed, the videoResumed event is emitted. Any UI elements pertaining to the state of the media, such as icons can be updated in the callback.

peer.on('videoResumed', () => {})

audioPaused -> {}

When the remote audio stream of the current participant is paused, the audioPaused event is emitted. Any UI elements pertaining to the state of the media, such as icons can be updated in the callback.

peer.on('audioPaused', () => {})

audioResumed -> {}

When the remote audio stream of the current participant is resumed, the audioResumed event is emitted. Any UI elements pertaining to the state of the media, such as icons can be updated in the callback.

peer.on('audioResumed', () => {})